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Political bodies

The EDK's highest decision-making entity is the plenary assembly.

View of a conference room and the 26 cantonal ministers of education
Image caption:

Plenary assembly

The plenary assembly comprises all 26 cantonal ministers of education. The Principality of Liechtenstein has permanent observer status with an advisory vote.

List of EDK members

Executive committee

The EDK executive committee, consisting of 12 cantonal ministers of education, prepares the agenda of the plenary assembly. It is currently made up as follows:

  • Regierungsrätin Dr. Silvia Steiner (ZH), Chair
  • Conseiller d’État / Staatsrat Christophe Darbellay (VS), Vice-Chair
  • Regierungsrat Alfred Stricker (AR)
  • Regierungsrätin / Conseillère d'État Christine Häsler (BE)
  • Regierungsrätin Monica Gschwind (BL)
  • Conseillère d’Etat / Staatsrätin Sylvie Bonvin-Sansonnens (FR)
  • Conseillère d’Etat Anne Hiltpold (GE)
  • Regierungsrat Armin Hartmann (LU)
  • Regierungsrätin Bettina Surber (SG)
  • Consigliera di Stato Marina Carobbio Guscetti (TI)
  • Regierungsrat Stephan Schleiss (ZG)

Further informations

EDK General Secretariat
+41 31 309 51 11
